
The In-Person Qualitative Research Evolution: Powered by COVID-19

About This Ebook

Over the past year, the pandemic changed many things, especially the way qualitative research is conducted. In-person focus groups, in-home interviews, and in-store shop-alongs that are synonymous with “traditional” qualitative research have been put on hold due to safety concerns. However, despite social distancing requirements and travel restrictions, businesses still need to connect personally with consumers and obtain deep insights.

In our latest ebook, The In-Person Qualitative Research Evolution: Powered By COVID-19, learn how we:

  • Rolled with the punches and successfully took in-person methodologies and developed ways to conducted them online.
  • Used our resourcefulness to create great workarounds to make sure we continued to generate deep insights for our clients, which we’re sure will continue long after we’ve made it through the pandemic.