
Micro Communities: Ideal for Generational Viewpoints

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About This Webinar

Join us for the next edition of our Emerge Smarter webinar series, where C+R’s Generational and Communities and Panels experts will discuss our newest offering in our Communities and Panels practice: Micro Communities. 

In this discussion, you’ll learn:

  • How Micro Communities differ from other longitudinal methods
  • The audiences that are ideal for these communities
  • The overall benefits

These thought leaders will bring Micro Communities to life by sharing a few of their most dynamic Generational examples and use cases, including Youth and Family. They’ll dive into the different and innovative approaches and tools being used, including parent-kid pair and friendship interviews, online discussions with iterative concept evaluation, and webcam and focus groups, to name a few.

Cailun Glick

Senior Research Director, Communities & Panels

Erin Barber

President + Chief Client Officer

Mimie Lund

Vice President, In-Person Qualitative Research