Finding the Perfect Brand Story with Qualitative Concept Testing

Finding the Perfect Brand Story with Qualitative Concept Testing

overview An established food manufacturer was looking to contemporize its strategic brand story to reach a new generation of shoppers, while also appealing to their current core consumers. C+R developed a two-phase qualitative research program to identify which of two concepts under consideration would most help the client modernize their brand story while also resonating…

Using LiveHive to Develop and Optimize Positioning

Using LiveHive to Develop and Optimize Positioning

overview What happens when a brand is innovating products that are so forward-thinking, they can’t even be produced with technology currently available? This was the challenge our client, a large beverage manufacturer, approached C+R for help with solving. They were developing an innovative and forward-thinking beverage product and needed to understand if the idea resonated…

Getting Quick Insights on Consumers’ Perceptions of Nutrients

Getting Quick Insights on Consumers’ Perceptions of Nutrients

overview Our client, a large food producer, has historically focused on acquiring insights about specific categories that they operate in, with lower priority on understanding broad, over-arching issues that cut across many different categories such as health and wellness. With this in mind, our client approached us to “test the waters” using C+R’s Sentiment Surveys….

Can a Major Food Brand Make In-Roads Among Multicultural Consumers?

Can a Major Food Brand Make In-Roads Among Multicultural Consumers?

overview In recent years, multicultural consumers have helped brands increase their sales. Many of these gains have come about due to companies’ efforts at outreach and a clear demonstration of how their products can enrich multicultural consumers’ lives. However, we know that not all multicultural consumers are alike. There are major differences between Asian, Hispanic,…

Mapping the Shopper Journey to Optimize Merchandising Strategies

Mapping the Shopper Journey to Optimize Merchandising Strategies

overview Looking to innovate, a major food manufacturer needed to identify unmet needs and associated opportunities in the frozen snacks and appetizers category. They looked to C+R for help. OUR APPROACH A Mixed Methods Approach C+R used a combination of online qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the client’s research questions and pinpoint key findings….

Fostering Creative Thinking in a Digital Space to Elicit Innovation

Fostering Creative Thinking in a Digital Space to Elicit Innovation

overview Consumers’ perceptions of health and wellness have dramatically shifted in the last 5-10 years. Food and beverage habits, in particular, seem to be constantly evolving as dietary/lifestyle options proliferate. A global beverage company wanted to understand how these lifestyle/diet changes influence beverage behaviors, with the goal of wanting to revolutionize the beverage category for…

Identifying Brand Drivers Using Hybrid Qualitative Research Methods

Identifying Brand Drivers Using Hybrid Qualitative Research Methods

overview Often, the characteristics that separate competitive brands in consumers’ minds are subtle and highly subconscious – yet deeply important. Brands rely on these differences to set themselves apart and entice consumers to buy. So how does a brand dig deep to discover the unique aspects of their brand that standout in customers’ minds, especially…