Qualitative Research

Online Discussions

Rich insights on participants’ schedules

Immersive online discussions are asynchronous – meaning participants can respond on their own schedule. These discussions typically take place over 2-4 days and observers can view the sessions at any time. Immersive online discussions are ideal for getting reactions to new concepts and products, optimizing messages, developing consumer profiles, and adding mini digital ethnographies. This approach also works well for exploring personal topics that participants may be reluctant to speak about in front of others. 

Benefits of Conducting Research Online:

  1. Global Reach: Eliminates geographic boundaries—made easier translation technology improves.
  2. Faster Turnaround: Speeds up recruitment and data collection, delivering insights more quickly.
  3. Richer Insights: Participants tend to express themselves more freely in familiar environments, leading to more in-depth insights. Layer technologies/approaches offer a deeper perspective.
  4. Participant Comfort: Online platforms ensure participant comfort, fostering open and honest responses.
  5. Time/Cost Efficiency: Saves costs by avoiding travel and reducing time for researchers and participants.

Expert Facilitators That Know How To Go Deep

Although C+R moderators are not actually “face to face” with participants, they are trained in techniques that assure we get the most out of each discussion. In immersive online discussions, we go beyond the surface to gain a deep understanding of attitudes, perceptions, emotions, and behaviors.

Our moderators are experts in projectives, emotive, and attribute elicitation techniques, imagery/metaphor association, and personification. And we are always looking for new and innovative ways to understand consumers from multiple angles.

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